haha. like I said hormons ku tidak btol. in my last post I said that I will blogging in two months time. well, after I post that, perasaan nak blog tu membuak-buak.
so, I tak dpat tahan. haha
so, World Invasion:Battle Los Angeles (MUST SEE MOVIE IN CINEMA;tgk dvd tak syok)
after I watched the movie's trailer, the first thing that I said was, hemp!mcm war of the world, act by Tom Cruise tuhh.
its a movie about alien attack again.
there are many kind of alien movie right now, right? Transfomers and I am Number 4 is consider as alien movie.
but these two movie use diff. type of alien, where as World Invasion nih use alien yg kepala besar tuh. alien ni naik robot utk menyerang.
sebiji mcm War of the World
the different things were.
war of the world: how Tom Cruise run away from alien
World Invasion: How US army saves civilians?
the main actor of the movie is
Aaron Eckhart..
pangkat dier: 1st Sarjan
in this movie, starting jer dh start war then dier imbas kembali 24 hours before the alien attack.
at this part, jln citer dier kalau dirangkaskan yerr..
Aaron dh tua, the last operasi yg dia buat, many of the men under his lead MATI.
so many of the soldiers has a bad impression towards him. kira ni, his life as an army dh mula miserable, then he resign.
when the alien attack started, ketua dier tak kasi dier resign. waktu genting mcm tuh, sume org kena turun padang.
so, in war. soldiers are devided into platun .
Aaron dpt msuk platun apa tah nama dier
ketua platun tuh, berpangkat Leftenan which is higher dari dier.
tetapi Leftenan tu masih muda, so pengalaman Aaron lagi banyak dlm war.
as I told u earlier, byk soldiers yg ada bad impression towards Aaron. so semua ahli platun including the Leftenan ada bad impression dekat Aaron nih.
everyones looked down to him. and didn't respect him much.
especially one of the platun members had a brother yg mati disbbkan arahan Aaron dulu......
oh kejap, tahu tak siapa jadi watak Leftenan. haha
sapa tgk transformer yg ke-2 tahu.
kenal tak sapa nih? ni kwn Sam dlm transformers yg penakut tuh. haha
but in this story his brave and smart...
well i have to say, ada HENSEM jugalah, hehe
so ringkaskan yer, sepanjang cerita ni, dier akan cerita how Aaron punya platun ni pergi selamatkan orang awam dekat Balai Polis dekat kwasan yg telah diserang oleh alien.n ahli2 platun mula mengenali si Aaron ni.
mula2 diaorg igt Alien nih tak ada air support tapi ada.
bila alien mula serang dari udara, US army became weak.
so semua diarahkan retreat.
well nak jadikan cerita. the HERO must saves the day.
kalau nak tahu kena tgk laaa.
i would say that org yg suka maen game akan suka citer nih.
well mostly guys la kan.
Tetapi korang maybe kurang faham apa yg diaorg buat sbb in this movie dia guna bahasa askar jer.
just for your information US Navy Marin ni adalah Komando yg boleh menyerang di laut dan di darat.
ada komando yg di darat shaja.
p.s: kepada sesiapa yg nak pergi tgk perhatikan Corporal Imlay. dier hensem.
star: 7/10
nak kasi 8 tapi dlm citer ni banyak terkejut2, sampai menggigil ak dibuatnyer.
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