Saturday, November 10, 2012


this is nik, comin in, overrr. beeeeppp

assalamualaikum readers.

hahah.semenanya tajuk tuh direct translation dari ayat..... jeng3.  "CRUSH". yes in this post I would like to talk about crush.. Hari tuh hangout dgn Hafiz,Awang, Muiz and Kyra, tiba2, Muiz tanya, crush tu apa semenanyer.

Jadi, aku dengan Kyra pown explain. I have to say, girls know about crush MORE than boys.aku ngan kyra membebel berjeler-jeler. awang adn hafiz said satu dua ayat jer. ==" huhu.

Crush tu in my opinion macam ni taw, seseorang yang menarik perhatian kita atau pown seseorang yang mempunyai ciri2 lelaki or perempuan idaman kiter la gituh, kononnyer..crush tak semestinyer orang yang kiter meletakkan harapan tinggi. mcm, mengharapkan dier jadi gf/bf kiter. crush, can stay as a crush forever. but, if and only if, crush kiter, suka kita at the same time , that's what makes, the world rained with flowers.

jodoh itu di tangan Allah, bila dah ada, banyak2 la berdoa, jauh kan dri perasaan lalai.
ni reminder kat diri sendiri jugak ni menanyer.

in UPM. of coz I have my crush, kat matrix pown ader. waktu high school pown ader....... derrrrrr~~
berkawan dgn crush can give you 2 things.
 1st: things that can make u like him/her more .
2nd: things that can make u dislike him/her and from that point you just see him/her as a friend.ONLY.
aku mengharapkan perkara ke-2 terjadi.hahaha.

aku boleh jer cerita pasal crush aku, If I say it here, it will be too obvious, than it will be no longer fun, stalking him. and of cos, when its too obvious, konpem kena scandal dgn kengkwn upm aku nanti, and I dont see him as some one who like to be scandal with. hmmm. itu BAGUS.

OK scandal nyer citer laen post. haha. mmg byk ler ak mmbebel.

one thing yg sume crush aku common: they have a charming smile.  eceh sume, mcm byk sgt. bru 4 termsk yg kat uni nih. hahaha. *gelak terguling.

ni nak share, situation, I've been through.
i think who ever yg befriend with ur crush went through this awkward moment right? it is so common.

so itu saja,

This is Nik Camelia, sending a message to my crush,
 "hey, I just met u, and this is crazy, but here's my number so call me maybe" *wink2.
over and out.

p.s: to classmate yg membaca, sila jgn ungkit psl post ni depan aku.clear warning. 

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