This is Nik, comin in ........over....beeeppp
Assalamualaikum readers.... :)
on the 18th of November my lukisan kejuruteraan (LK)'s teacher. got married. well act, had a wedding reception. nikahnyer laen hari, tak tahu biler.huhu
so he invited,the whole mechy first year student.
I was pretty excited,sbb this will be the first wedding yg kitaorg attend la kot, igtkan first wedding will be mas ngan abe dier nyer wedding hahaha.......ampun mas.
gini ceritanyer, patutnyer ramai yg pergi, tp lastm inute 3org tak jadi pergi.....
tu satu, second. pttnyer 2 kereta jer pergi, jadi 4 at the end of the day sbb mereka2 malas nk naik public transport.....huhu.
dtg ker rumah encik zol dgn 2 rombongan.
1st: avanza+myvi
2nd: city+kancil
aku terasa, kitaorg sgt cute bila convoi rmai2.huhu
hok kereta macam UFO nyer ship tu la, aku cuba nak lukis myvi. ampun, saya pandai guna Autocad jer, Paint tak gheti.ecececeh
wedding enc zol, dilimpahi dgn rahmat Allah, sesungguhnyer, waktu kami sampai hujan lebat. ==".
tapi waktu enc zol berarak, hujan stop. huhu. alhamdullilah, pengantin tak perlu berlari berkejaran dalam hujan. hehe.
when he and his wife arrive .ak tgh mkn, tak saba nyer nak tgk muka enc zol, yg kebudak budakan tuh pkai baju pengantin ak pown terpaksa makan dgn tangkasnyer.
n the result will, aku tak tahan nak ketawa, adui ai. OMEY sgt.
hoho. and from there kami dpt melihat wajah si dia yang telah menambat hati guru kami yg tangan ader soul of art nih.haha...
and here's the girls.
disbbkan gmbar kami dgn pengantin, ak gedebak kan.huhu.
the boys. MIA,lagi 2org. kot.hmmm. tu jer la yg pergi pown.
hehe. honestly speaking, i have to trend nih
maen2 google jumpa gamba ni.
sgt sesuai utk enc zol. cuma wife enc.zol almost samer tinggi. ampun enc.zol.
Dear Enc Zol, congratulations kerana sudah dijab kabulkan dgn si dia. hehe. Moga2 hubungan ini dpt smpai ke ank cucu(ayt lama). Dengan ini saya mengharapkan , encik zol dpt mengimamkan isteri enc zol, jadi anak yg soleh, bapa yang baik(bakal2) dan guru yg lbh sporting sehingga disayangi oleh pelajar2nyer. ehem!haha.what ever it is, I wish him all the best. jadi heaven material nyer husband syaa Allah. :)
bajet buat ayat mcm enc.zol bacer.pui.haha. takperla. dh sebut dh jadi doa an. hehe.
This is Nik Camelia, went to a beautiful wedding. :)
over and out.
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